Teen Driving Online
We’ve partnered with—from Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., a nationwide leader in the traffic safety education industry—to present a fun, easy, and informative California driver education course. This driver education program has been officially licensed by the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
Please Click Here for the Driver Ed Online Signup/Login Page.
Instant Student Licensing Program (ISLP)
ISLP is an integrated online driver education/driver training program that combines driver training (“behind-the-wheel”) with online driver education to get student drivers into a vehicle as quickly as possible. (The “old way” makes students complete all of their required driver education and go to the DMV to get their permit before they can drive.)
Please Click Here for the Instant Student Licensing Program Signup/Login Page.
Comedy School Online (TVS)
Please Click Here for the Traffic Violator School Signup/Login Page.
Mature Driver Online
An accident prevention course can save you big money on your auto insurance! California drivers age 55 and older can save money on their auto insurance simply by completing a mature driver improvement course. Insurers are mandated to reduce rates for three years, but the amount of the discount varies with each insurance provider; check with your agent for the details. However, with our low prices, the course is sure to pay for itself many times over!
Please Click Here for the Mature Driver Online Signup/Login Page.